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Who Are We?

Welcome to the Moonlight Masquerade! Moonlight Masquerade is a World of Darkness Fan Club in the 
United States, dedicated to enjoying and exploring the fictional worlds created by White Wolf Publishings, old World of Darkness. We also focus on organizing social, community service, and educational events.


Our games focus on the dramatic relationships between characters in the game settings that we explore, the tragic struggles of the people and creatures that inhabit them, and the poignancy of their victories and failures. Chronicles center on characters, their choices and consequences, and the influence of themes like redemption, pride, sacrifice, hypocrisy, morality, oppression, and power.


While our role-playing games are our most visible offering, Moonlight is also a social club with interest in supporting our members and our community. We sponsor our members' interests in literary and graphic arts such as writing, sketching, painting, illustration, photography, and computer graphics, and publish our members' works online and in local, regional, or national newsletters. Education is another focus of Moonlight Masquerade. All members are encouraged to learn more about artistic pursuits, especially the theatrical arts of acting, costuming, prop-making, and storytelling. We also provide support in learning how to set dramatic scenes through decoration, light, and sound. As familiarity with history is necessary to craft a rich and complex character amidst a backdrop of actual events, Moonlight provides resources to delve more deeply into historic information. We sponsor panels and seminars on art, project coordination, and storytelling. Many members become officers in their local chapters or domains, taking advantage of mentoring and leadership development resources.


Executive Vice President
National Coordinator

Shawn Harrison​

Vice President

Leviathan Kinsey

ANC Social Media

ANC Newsletter

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